Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Finally...A POST!

I haven't posted in a while, lots of work to get done at the end of the school year. So, what's the story with I.aM.mE. and the ICONic Boyz? Season 6 has just ended last Sunday, and guess who won! None other than I.aM.mE!!! Although I have been cheering for the ICONic Boyz, I clearly saw more of a winner in I.aM.mE. than in the ICONic Boyz. The Boyz should also be proud. They are the youngest crew in history to EVER be on ABDC, and they made it onto the top two! Isn't that amazing? For haters out there here is a personal message from me to you:

ICONic Boyz are 11,12,13, and 14 year old kids dancing. They auditioned, and to the people at the auditions, they saw a lot of energy and talent in them. So what if you think they are losers. Look at them now, their idols to the youth around the world already! If you think you can do better, be my guest. Get your crew on the ABDC stage, let's see how long you last.
Also, the champions from the past seasons, and the Jabbawockeez, who are the original best dance crew, are also performing! Click here to see the channel and see all the performances in case you missed it! I did! LOL. The videos from season 1, 2,3,4, and 5 are also uploaded, so you can see the winners dancing just like I.aM.mE. did. Congrats to I.aM.mE, and I wish both crews their best in the future.

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